Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Photo Blog

Just a brief update for tonight, and I promise, I'll have a full post tomorrow.  I started a photo blog on Tumblr, just kind of a journal of my adventures in photography and digital photo manipulation.  Come check it out HERE.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

That's complicated.

So, Tori and I were listening to my iPod in the car today, and the Glee version of 'Poker Face' came on.  Tori likes that song, so we turned it up, and she's singing along.  Then she stops, and says, "Hey, mama, what's a poker face?"  So, I launch into a five minute explanation about poker, and cards, and bluffing, and having a good poker face.  I get done, and she says, "Oh." ... Almost a full minute later, she goes, "Mama, that's complicated."  I'm fairly certain, however, that she'll remember some of the explanation later.  Like, the next time I tell her to do something, or else I'll *fill-in-the-blank*; she's going to bust out with, "Mama, you're just bluffing."

In other news, 'Courage the Cowardly Dog' is one messed-up show.  xD  We love it, though.  Peace out!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wow! I'm alive!

Wow.  Been a while since I posted.  We've pretty much all been sick for the past couple of months.  It kind of goes in rotation.  One gets over it, another one gets it.  Ick.  But...I think we're finally starting to get rid of whatever bug this is.  Of course, it really doesn't help when the temperature changes by 40° within a few hours.  Wake up, it's 30°.  By noon, it's 70°.  Ugh.  Stupid Florida.

The last time Tori went to the doctor, we found out that she has asthma.  Ew.  Fortunately, it's not the scary, throat-closing, non-breathing kind of asthma.  Just the annoying, muscles-tightening-around-the-lungs kind, like I have.  Bronchospasms.  So now she's got an inhaler and nebulizer, and it seems to be helping.  That's why she's been getting all these chest/respiratory infections, so hopefully, once we get that under control, she won't get them as frequently.  *fingers crossed*

And I swear, that kid spends way too much time with me.  Now, every time I laugh at something she says or does, she goes, "Mama, you gotta put that on Facebook!"  I've created a monster.

Now that I'm feeling better, I'll try to start posting more often again.  Peace out!