Friday, January 14, 2011

Macaroni or lasagne?

So there's this dish I love to make.  It's got macaroni noodles and lots of cheese, but it's also got ricotta cheese, and I like to put marinara sauce on it.  So, here's the recipe (sort of.  No measurements, just approximations.)
  • Macaroni noodles
  • Ricotta cheese
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Ground beef (optional)
  • Marinara sauce (optional)
Brown the ground beef, if you're using it.  Cook the macaroni noodles and drain.  Put noodles in a deep casserole dish.  Add parmesan and ricotta cheese and mix well.  Add ground beef, if desired, and mix again.  Put a layer of mozzarella cheese on top.  Cook about 35-40 minutes at 350° F.  Top with marinara sauce, if desired. 

It's yummy.  Trust me.  Peace out!


  1. Your cooking? No wonder why Jimmy hasn't been feeling well.

  2. Hey! I happen to be an excellent cook! No, seriously, that's one thing I do very well. xD
