Thursday, October 20, 2011


So, yeah.  Kind of lost this blog in all the madness.  Update-in-a-nutshell time...
    So, Tori graduated from pre-K, Jimmy had surgery, I hurt my ankle, and Tori started Kindergarten.  Are we all caught up now?  Hehe.
    So, my baby's now a Kindergartener, at a real, big-kid, elementary school.  I'm finally starting to come to terms with that, I think.  She's learning to read, and she. is. amazing!  She was the first one in her class to finish the 'reading readiness' program, and she's almost halfway through her first reading folder.  This teacher she has?  Awesome!
    I can't even believe some of the stuff they're learning in Kindergarten, though.  Computers, science -- she can tell you ALL about invertebrates -- math, and logic... I didn't know some of this stuff until junior high!
    She also did the YMCA after-school soccer program, and loved it.  Her coach said she was faster than almost all of the other kids, which isn't all that impressive, until you realize that the program was for K-3rd grade.  Their end-of-program game is Saturday.  That...should be interesting.  Haha.
    Okay.  I'll try to remember to post here occasionally.  'Til then, Peace out!

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