Tori's teacher tells me today that she was yelling at one of her friends this morning. Turns out, Tori took offense to the fact that the little boy called her a -- wait for it -- 'poo-poo diaper head'. Folks, you cannot make this stuf up. *sigh* So, we had a talk about what would've been a better way to deal with the situation, and we've agreed that the next time someone calls her a poo-poo diaper head, she's just going to ignore him. And if that doesn't work, she'll quietly tell the teacher.
Of course, I also told Tori that if poo-poo diaper head was the worst thing she ever got called in life, she'd be doing pretty good. Oh, to be a preschooler!
LMAO!! The next person that makes me mad is SO getting called a Poo-Poo Diaper Head!!