Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cold. Very, very cold.

So, winter is upon us.  Well, as close as 'winter' gets to Florida, anyway.  We've dug out the sweaters, sweatpants, coats, hats, and scarves.  And boots.  Can't forget the boots.  There's only one problem with this whole thing.  Tori, being a little kid, wants to go outside and play, and she doesn't plan to let a little thing like freezing stop her.  The rest of us, being Floridians, have no intentions of leaving our nice, warm houses for anything other than a quick run to the nice, preheated car.  Now, this poses a bit of a problem.  Tori just doesn't understand why the rest of us care so much about 'being warm', and 'not getting frostbite'.  She doesn't care about all that; she just wants to play on her swings, and we're all a bunch of meanie-heads for making her stay inside. 

Tori:  Mo-oooommm, can I play at my play yard?
Me:  Are you outta your cotton-pickin' mind?  It's freezing out there!
Tori:  But I want to!
Me:  No, sweetness.  It is way too cold to go outside right now.  Mommy doesn't like cold.
Tori:  But I do, and I'm going to my play yard.  (By this time, she's at the door, turning the knob.)
Me:  Freeze!  Step away from the door.  We are not going outside.
Tori:  (Cue tantrum)

I predict that this will be a daily occurrence during whatever cold season we have this year.  Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. At least she didn't call you a Poo-Poo Diaper Head. ROFL!! =D
