Monday, December 13, 2010

What a weekend!

Our weekend started bright and early Saturday morning, getting up and ready to go to the Christmas Parade.  My dad, Aunt, and Uncle got there before us, and saved us spots.  We had a great time, even though by the end of the parade, we were freezing.  Tori had a blast, and got lots of candy and beads.  Of course, when my mom asked her later about the parade, all she had to say was, "The horses pooped!"  I took lots of pictures with my new camera, and I think it did a great job.

Later Saturday evening, we were on our way home from Wal-mart, and drove past some paintings on the side of the road.  Tori, looking out the window, says, "Mom!  Some of those paintings are paintings by Van Gogh!  Look, it's the 'Night painting'."  I looked, and sure enough, one of the paintings was a copy of 'Starry Night'.  Now, I know that she has the 'Baby Van Gogh' DVD, but for her to remember that painting and be able to recognize it from a moving vehicle, in near-darkness...?!  I...just don't know.  And when I asked her how she knew that, the first thing she said?  "'Cause I'm smart."

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