Sunday, December 5, 2010

Out of Tune

Tori was in the living room with her dad, and she was playing her little guitar.  She said she was going to play guitar for her band.  Then, she got frustrated, because the tuning was off.  So she's strumming, and she says, "Well, I guess this sucker ran outta tune."

Cut to a little while later.  She comes into my room and asks me to tune it for her.  I do so, and she starts pushing on the strings.  Here's the conversation that followed:

Me:  Tori, don't push on the strings like that.  That's why it keeps going out of tune.
Tori:  No, it isn't!  I just play it to much, and then it runs out of tune.
Me:  I am so blogging this.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA!! Hey, it's a logical thought process — Makes sense to me!
